Thursday, December 4, 2008

Contradiction with Obama

I was just searching for videos about the war on Youtube and I stumbled across a video about what Obama really thinks about his position on the Iraq War. While watching t.v Obama said that he was against the war.

The entire time that he was saying that he was against the war I found it surprising how against it he was and always thought that he would have to support some aspect of the war. And in watching this it confirmed my thoughts about Obama.

1 comment:

Mattw said...

Hey Evan it is Matt. That video is ridiculous just so you know. Fox news threw everything out of context. If you noticed those quotes were from 2002 and 2004, which is when the war was still supposedly "going okay." Also one can oppose going to war, but support it once it starts. Thought I'd say that, Fox news is notorious for that kind of stuff though. I like your blog buddy, nice colors and stuff : ) ! Peace!